Welcome to Dog Shit Hill

.........That's what was written on the garbage bin up at the Lookout.

I know it's not a very pleasant thing to talk about but when one has a dog one gets used to having a pocket full of 'prayer flags' (that's what we call the doggie poo bags 'cause they flap in the wind) and it seems that playing 'spot the poo' is a very integral part of the afternoon walkies.
Obviously (I have actually noticed) that some doggie people do not do their duty..... tut tut...hence the rather in yer face message on the bin.

On the more lighter side of the hill I was greeted by a beautiful rainbow and clouds to take ones breath away (I get that a lot these days). I read this today.....I thought it rather apt for what I have been feeling out in the landscape lately.

Wherever you stand....be the Soul of that place...........Rumi (not the dog)

This afternoon I was watching a girl jogging up and down the rather steep hill in her fabulous sporty gear looking really trim.

I just sighed and wished that there was a pill I could take .......or some micro implant I could wear in my ear that would really make me love exercise...I thought it a rather good idea and ruminated on inventing one as I strolled back to my car for another munch on my Mars bar.

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