Dragon skeleton

CyclopsJnr has been very excited for Halloween. We have decorated the porch and MrsCyclops took CyclopsJnr out trick or treating. We had a few early callers before we went out ourselves about 5.45pm, and we were out for a couple of hours. Our neighbourhood is a set of concentric circles and many homes were participating so we didn't even complete a full quarter before CyclopsJnr declared exhaustion.

MrsCyclops has it in her to be a terrible grinch about trick or treating, but the folks of Silverknowes were so generous with their sweeties but also their time and their kindness, making Halloween nice for the kids.
It is a benefit of living in the suburbs to have things like this. 

Most required a turn in exchange for sweets (this being Scotland where in fact we favour guising) and CyclopsJnr had a song or selection of jokes prepared. I'm pleased to say he was extremely polite, as well as kind to any little kids that answered the door or were guising too. He enjoyed the whole thing, and a few quite impressive displays, and received many sweets plus a light-up balloon and a creepy keyring.

We were home before 8pm to receive a few last stragglers at our door and CyclopsJnr was able to sort out his haul and eat a few before bed.

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