Trick or treat
Back to school today!
CyclopsJnr took in his ship's log and was showered with much praise for his efforts. His teacher asked him to read out the log (half in the morning and half after lunch) and the class asked questions. The Head of Upper Primary also asked for a look, and it was suggested that CyclopsJnr should show his handwriting teacher too because he did so well writing so much cursive. CyclopsJnr's teacher awarded him EIGHT division points for the log - one for each day. CyclopsJnr was thrilled by it all.
And oh my word what a day because after school it was judo then a quick sausage roll from Greggs then swimming then of course the much anticipated HALLOWEEN!
CyclopsJnr dressed as a plague doctor, something he took an interest in after getting a book about the Black Death from the Museum of London this time last year. We went trick or treating about our neighbourhood and whilst people hadn't gone quite as overboard as the last couple of years he still came home with 53 sweets and had a lovely time. The grownups seemed to really like his costume and he had a nice moment with a teen wearing a similarly steampunk-looking plague doctor outfit.
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