Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Wolfie and the Mrs.

I had a call from the Wolfman this morning.  He and I go way back.  When it's not Halloween (and the moon isn't full), he's a retired physician for whom I used to work, and my dear friend.  Every Halloween, Wolfie would hide out in the office and scare people.  Even though we knew it was coming, he still managed to get us - especially anyone who was new and unsuspecting.  He lives in Northern California now and the Wolfman prowls with his lovely wife on Halloween.  I obviously didn't take this photo, but I did take a screen shot and edit it. ;-)  Many thanks to V1k1 and AndrewNZ for hosting MonoMondays this month!

I am grateful for the nice phone visit with my old friend!  It was great to reminisce and laugh together.  He sounded so happy and that makes me happy. :-))

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