They're back. No sign of them yesterday or this morning, but they're back with a vengeance this afternoon! I guess it will take a while to get whatever it is out of my system, so I'll just take an allergy pill every morning for the next few days. I'm grateful that it isn't any worse, and mostly just annoying. I'm still itchy, but I only took the pill about 15 minutes ago. Fingers crossed it works as well as it did before.
I left early to get to the store to buy Halloween candy (about double the cost of last year) and a few other things I needed. Then to Becky's to spend a few hours with her. Darrin is elk hunting with his dad and brother. We sat out on the patio for a while and then did a couple of repair jobs that needed to be done. One of them was to put antiglare film on a big window. She had tried to do it alone and it had all kinds of bubbles and wrinkles. We removed the old film, cleaned the window and started again with fresh film. It's not perfect but definitely a lot better. We work well together. :-)
Then I came home and started itching!!
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