All good things…
…. come to an end, sadly.
M and I walked round to Big Sis this morning. We all sat and chatted, laughed and recalled, planned and prayed. Valerie has an appointment with her oncologist this week to look at her MRI results and discuss the next course of chemotherapy. She is in quite a lot of pain on the left side of her pelvis and walking isn’t easy. She remains our life and soul! Great fun!
M left for the her train home and D drove We3 to Waterloo Station where we were allowed onto the platform to see Valerie safely onto her train and into her seat. She will be met at Yeovil Junction.
Big Sis and I mooched round the outlets in the station, shared a toasted panini before catching the train home. She took a photo of me scanning for pink subjects. I do love Waterloo station. I could people watch for hours. And that clock…..
I’ve added a photo of an exhibition in the station to get some pink in today!
Home in time for choir for me and messages from Little Sis, and from Valerie to say she’s home and a very nice man carried her case across the footbridge at Yeovil Junction.
So many gratefuls over these last days. We’ve also remembered friends here on Blip who are undergoing treatment for cancer or are grieving the loss of loved ones.
So grateful for every gift of days together.
And… last but certainly not least, Melanie was able to be our choirmaster this evening! Wonderful to see her!
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