From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Modern macaroni…

The name given to ‘ rich, young, dedicated followers of Italian fashion’ in the eighteenth century. The idea was ‘to wear bright colours and silken fabrics, lavishly trimmed with lace… considered to be ultra-cool.’

This is a modern take on the idea and just one of the many fabulous fashion designs today at the Crown to Couture exhibition at Kensington Palace. There were so many truly beautiful gowns, and many extravagant outfits like this one. A fabulous exhibition.

It’s taken ages to get a convenient date for three of us to visit, and then sadly today, one husband had to go to A&E for intravenous antibiotics for an infection flare-up which meant we were reduced to two. We muchly missed number three.

I have bought the magazine for this exhibition and look forward to browsing and marvelling at the creativity of designers, and indeed all artists whatever their medium.

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