Paying Attention

After the fortifying coffees we were off down town. First stop, the Science Museum to see "Science Fiction" - it was half term and the place was mobbed with wee kids. Mind you, the big kids fitted right in. I thought there was a VR element. I hadn’t been paying attention. Then Tate Britain to see Hew Locke’s Procession. I genuinely thought actors processed through the gallery. It was just paper maché models! Rather good though. Then on to Trafalagar Square - did youse know Nelson was carved from a block from Granton Quarry? Stroo. We were there to see a pie on the 4th plinth. It had gone, to be replaced by two geezers with hats. Tsk.
There followed a period of shopping which I’ll draw a veil over.
Back to West Hampstead. A seat! A beer! And finally a meal at the Cedar. Last time we were there we went full veggie (with F&H y’see). This time we went full wolf.

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