
By emmacooperx

A New Place of Work

I haven't told many people yet because I don't want to jinx it, and because I haven't actually decided what to do yet. This could be where I work. Sebastien's mystery call was in fact to ask me if I wanted to replace someone who is maternity leave. Looks like in getting a job it's not what you know but who you know. I can start on Monday. 35 hours a week. An acceptable salary (well, pretty good for someone with no real qualifications!) You might ask why I'm not jumping at the chance because it was all that I've been looking for. Well, it involves staying in France until the end of August. I had intended to travel. I might end up being here on my own for my 21st birthday. I won't get the chance to do all of the Norfolk summery things I usually love. I know I said that I had nothing to go home for, but when the chance of going home is removed, you somewhat change your mind.

But overall I'm pleased, very pleased. And depsite the fact that I'll have to change some plans, I think this an opportunity to good to miss. Great for my French and good for my bank balance too. My Mum agree when we had an emergency Skype this afternoon to discuss. I just wish there was more time. Maybe I'll have to give up my job in the creperie too.

So to my day. Spent the morning reading and time wasting. Had my interview at the Rocher at 2. Myriam, Lyse and I went to an amazing tea room in the afternoon to celebrate my job success. I had a peach and apricot iced tea and apple cake. There were hundreds of tea choices and a fair few coffees too. The china was amazing too. And the room with sofas and cushions. Reminded me very much of a cute English tearoom. Afterwards I had a little mill around the shops - well if I'll be staying I'll need a new summer wardrobe!

Came home for Skype with Mum and my first French Skype with Ludovic and Elsa which was cool. Looking forward to them getting back now. The evening was spent playing La Bonne Paye with Lyse and Myriam. Lyse won as usual, that girl is just too lucky sometimes!

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