Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Bother that cat!

..... to quote Mrs Thomas in the Mog books. If you haven't met Judith Kerr's Mog books before, they're wonderful, and available to listen to online too. In this case though, it's spot the cat in the top picture! Cleo loves me dearly most of the time, but loves my warm bed more! She curls up under the top coverlet when she thinks I won't notice, I've almost sat on her several times.

Back to Mog! Judith Kerr wrote and illustrated so many wonderful books for children, many of which have become classics. She was a Jewish refugee from Berlin who came to the UK after the start of the 2nd World War. The story of her journey is in the "When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit" series of books for older children. She wrote the Tiger Who Came to Tea and many other wonderful books for young children and wrote for adults too. A versatile lady with great imagination and stories to tell!

No ill effects from my vaccines I don't think, except that I'm really tired, but then again, I was tired a few weeks ago too so there may be no connection.
I got up and went into town this morning to take some things back for Ali. I thought the shop I was looking for was at the East End of Princes St only to realise my mistake when I got there and had to turn around and walk back to the West End. Should have asked Mr Google before I set out.
I went for a bowl of soup in Browns in George St as I realised I'd had nothing to eat. I was fairly astounded to be charged £7.50 for the privilege, I wouldn't have minded if it was something special, but it was a fairly standard leek and. potato. Ah well.

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