Sunday: Trey’s

Now that we’re a bit more settled we’re spending time connecting with family and friends.  This morning it was lovely Cousin J&S, this evening it was H&J in Vancouver.

Today has been rainy on and off. We’re supposed to be experiencing the tail end of Hurricane Julia - the most we saw of that was some lightning this morning, followed by the loudest clap of thunder I’ve ever heard.  I think tomorrow will be wetter.

We wanted to get out but not venture too far on account of being unsure about the weather so we went to ‘Trey’s’, described as a bar & grill.  It’s about a 20 minute drive.  It’s a nice location but was a slight odd experience.  It seemed everyone knew each other, as it’s very popular with expats, and so were looking us over.  We felt like we’d walked into the set of Wicker Man.

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