
I had a little bit more of a sleep last night but I'm popping and drinking meds as much as I can . And I haven't done anything today except lie on the sofa and go for a 10 minute walk around our neighbourhood for some fresh air. It was a mission.  Carson loved having his dad go out a walk. And was singing to him most of the way round.  I lay down the minute we got back.  I'm quite sore but I'm trying to hold off taking more meds for a while.  Its hard because they make you drowsy and I'm trying to spend time with the wildlings. 

Nana and grandad popped in for a quick visit when the boys got home and my neighbour Jane popped in for a while.  The jedi kept asking "where's Duncan "

Harp and Xander both had a good day at school and nursery.  I had to have words with Lincoln when he got home. He had a point taking of him at school for saying no to his teachers and not wanting to do what they wanted in P.E. I have told him that he shouldn't be cheeky and if his teachers ask him to do something then he needs to do it. 

I'm waiting on a lady coming round to pick up a big bag of ironing.  Her prices are really reasonable,  £15 for a big black bag. And she will drop it back off. I'm glad I got a hold of her as she is on holiday on Monday for two weeks,  so at least I can get a load done before she goes. And Mr R doesn't iron. He's been doing a lot today but has also had to work upstairs too. His phone can be non stop at times. The jedi has been great and not a bother. 

I feel ready for my bed. 

Oh my extra is my war wounds. My neighbour friend came round last night and cleaned them up for me and then put on fresh dressings. 3 of the wee scars I won't see after a while. I couldn't get a look at the scar on my arm put as it had sterile strips on top. 

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