
By MumOf4Wildlings


Happy Friday.  Its been a good day. I got to work before the rain came so at least my journey there was dry. Its been raining most of today again.  We did get out to the cafe and the students thankfully had rain covers and jackets. 

The bridge heads over my nemesis,  the cuckoo roundabout.  I'm confident with all other roundabouts when I'm out driving but this is our biggest one . And it's always mental with traffic.  
As you can see its a wet day. 

I was cycling past the river on my way to get the jedi. Its not a great photo of the cormorant but it was right in the middle of the river. The flow of the water was insane. So much and so fast. 

All the wildlings are glad it's the weekend.  And there is no football tomorrow.  There is a competitive game but only some of the kids get chosen to play. It will be good not to have to rush out the door. And we can just have a chilled morning.  

Oh and my email yesterday was the chief executive saying he will actually speak to the head teacher regarding the jedi's funding.  Because I stated that she should be honouring her word. She told me if I helped secure more funding for the school then he would be covered.  The funding increased after my original emails and she went back on her word. So now she knows that I'm peeved with her and her denying Carson's support, and if that means she has to be held accountable then so be it. I did my part for her so she should be doing hers. 

Happy weekend.  X 

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