
Everyone that knows me , knows that I cannot keep any kind of plant alive never mind growing one. Lincoln planted this seed at school way back in the beginning of June.  This sunflower has nearly died numerous times but its like a little miracle and has now flowered.  Its at least 3 months behind every other sunflower in this country  ;-) 

I picked up some meds this morning which are helping a tiny bit. I didn't realise how much agony I would be in after this operation but I know that it will get better.  I took my strong meds this morning when I got back from the chemist.  They're slow realise pills that make you want to sleep and don't do much for the pain but I managed to have a nap on the sofa. I'm allowed to take double oramorph every two hours instead every 4 and then I have my other meds too. 
The wildlings have all had a good day. I went in the car with Mr R to meet them from school.  They were pleased to see me, but I won't be doing it tomorrow.  I snapped this rainbow at the boys school.  It feels strange not doing anything around the house but I'm making sure I'm resting and doing nothing.  

My neighbour is coming round soon to help change my dressings. Mr R is very squeamish and I think he would be sick, so I wouldn't ask him to do that. He put my hair up for me earlier and has been busy around the house and with Carson all day. 

My mother in law has just gotten home from the hospital.  She has been put on different meds and has to see a cardiologist.  No idea how long she has to wait for that appointment.  She was so loans gave Simon flower's and chocolates for me . I told her she does way too much for us and she didn't have to get me anything.  

I'm sitting on my bed upstairs with Xander.  He's been so helpful and kind , but he's tired and needs some chill time. So I told him to jump in the shower before his dinner and then I would watch YouTube with him on our bedroom tv.  Mr R is downstairs making their dinner.  

I've managed some toast today again but I'm not sure if I'll eat dinner. The morphine doesn't really give you a appetite. 

Thanks again for all your well wishes . You are all so kind. X 

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