A dismal morning
followed by a bright sunny afternoon, strong winds all day. I was slightly damp around the edges after this mornings walk with Indie. The seams on my waterproofs are leaking so I need to check if I can buy a spray to rectify the problem. I was planning to have a go at lining Mum's pond, but it was'nt a rainy day activity so we sat, ate Danish pastries, & drank coffee. The rain had eased off when I left Mum's to drive home. I stopped in Chudleigh to pick up some empty apple boxes from Gill's the greengrocers in readiness for the apples I'm picking tomorrow.
Back home, I repotted a couple of St Paulia so that they sit in the recently purchased pot covers. Did the ironing. Prepped some apples & cooked them in the microwave. Breakfast topping for the next few days. Zapped another batch of apples to make apple cake later. Lunch. I needed carrots from the plot, so took all my uncooked kitchen waste up to the compost bin, apart from the apple peelings which went in the wormery. The sprouts are looking good & ready to start harvesting, leeks need longer, carrots are ready. The marigolds, nasturtiums, & borage are still flowering.
I made two apple cakes to bake while making a roast for dinner. Happy days!
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