I'm smoking a fag!
Nicotine man, or Leo the lion?
Hats today ..
Newspaper girl :-D
Dog Walker :-D
Carer :-)
Brief interlude ensued .... Had my hair cut. Shock news that one of the local guys, Ryan, aged 36 collapsed at home, & could'nt be resuscitated. No known medical issues. He was such a lovely genuine guy, who worked full time in the The Claycutters Arms. They will definately miss him. ;-(
Car valeter :-( :-D Could not believe just how much "rubbish" I had accumulated in the car.
Caterer :-D Who does'nt love a toasted crumpet :-)))
On-line banking clerk :-( Dislike technology, alternative is to sit on the end of a blah de blah de blah phone message. I know they do it deliberately to make you use their app but I don't want to. I'll wait.
Wrapped Ben & Amanda's pen & ink drawing of fishing paraphernalia at Kwaeng Pao Bay. I hope they like it. Tricky is'nt it, giving art, but Jane, Ben's mum suggested some of my art, the mono won. :-D So that will be winging it's way to Barbados along with a Laura Wall, a local artist based in Teignmouth, designed teatowel featuring local places of interest here in Devon.
Bought and posted a birthday card to George, 96years young this Saturday, brain sharp as a pin, & humerous. No Jazz band this year though which I think he's a tad disappointed about, but he's still talking about last years celebration so .....................
Wrote out two For Sale signs for the car. Think I might stick on the windows and see if there is any interest before I resort to WeBuyAnyCar.Com, who will knock down the initial price quoted for sure.
I'm gone! Strictly Two in awhile so I need to get dinner sorted. I really enjoy seeing Vicky Gill's costume design.
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday
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