The patient
We've had a fairly quiet day today. An early walk on Hearn field hoping to see some of the locals exercising their dogs that might know of the dog owner, & dog that attacked Yogi yesterday. I only met one person with her dog who recognised Yogi, her dog & Yogi know each other but he was very aggressive towards it. We had another walk a little while later when we were caught up in a traffic jam in Ringmore village, a lorry loading an excavating machine at a building site had blocked the road in both directions. I was told it could half an hour or more so I found somewhere to park and took Yogi for a walk along the estuary path. Each time we passed dogs he became aggressive. Obviously traumatised from yesterday's incident, I hope it's only temporary because he's normally so chilled & laid back.
Carolyn came over for a coffee, & went away with apples, magazines, & a pot of Justicia cuttings.
The builders are on site, plastering external walls today, & finishing off the decking around the new hot tub. It's all looking very smart. One of them put K's car in the garage for me.
I stewed a load of windfalls this afternoon, now packed in the freezer for K to use.
Yogi & I went for a walk up the bridle path this afternoon, torrential rain overnight has washed much of the gravel down onto the road, creating large gullies on the track. It's been blowing a hoolie for much of the day as well. Great for getting the dog towels dry.
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