Place: St Pete Beach, FL 67/83
Main activity: Thurs - errands for Bette
Notes: Got up and had my first drink of water in 3 days - did not guzzle like I thought I would. Heard from Bette then and had to get going early - still very little strength and easy to get dizzy. Was loading stuff into the car, driving it across town, unloading and carrying in from the street (not super close), some items quite heavy. Usually wouldn't be a big deal but was really struggling. Then, we went on to Sam's, got a cartload and back to the house (her son's) and had to unload from the street again. Down PAG b/c she wanted to get something to eat but then changed her mind when I said I would sit with her but didn't feel like eating. Forgot to get pics anywhere along there but pass the Don CeSar 4x and it's always so beautiful so grabbed another shot. Finally back to Bette's and few little things around the house before I could get going. Crashed once I returned and had no energy the rest of the day, dizzy and lightheaded, kept bumping into things. Did talk to Pam (realtor) a couple times and we got the Home Partners system on track finally. 

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