Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral

We chose to stay until Monday so we could unwind and enjoy our Sunday. We attended 10:00 Mass at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh which is the newest Cathedral in the world. The building, dedicated on July 26, 2017, is Romanesque Revival style. I have to say, after visiting many famous churches in the world, I find it to be one of the most pleasing to the eye and mind. Its interior is not covered in gaudy gold or ultra (ugly) modern pieces, it is simply a beautifully decorated church where you can prayerfully meditate and participate in the sacred liturgy without distraction. The organist and choir were the same. With a gross floor area of approximately 43,000 square feet, the cathedral can accommodate 20,000 attendees. Today, I was pleased to see so many young families and college students. It is obviously a very active parish where all ages take part. The pastor gave a relatable homily. After Mass, hubby treated me to a shepherd pie lunch at an Irish pub. We walked off the calories strolling around town. We were up until 2:00 am last night so we took a well deserved nap later in the afternoon. This has been an interesting trip as most of ours are. We will head home tomorrow. I look forward to getting busy with fall garden maintenance. Thanks for dropping by. Sure hope your weekend was enjoyable. Stay safe. “There is a reason we used to build Cathedrals that drew the eye upwards.” - Michael Gungor

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