Signs of Autumn

When we got back to the camper last night around midnight, the power was out. We used the truck’s battery to recharge the camper’s refrigerator but otherwise we had whatever we needed. We certainly were blessed that this was our only inconvenience. Hubby went out early and found a MacDonald’s to get us coffee and a biscuit sandwich. There were trees blocking the main road so he zigzagged on secondary roads until he was past the closure. Power was restored while we were at the equestrian buildings where we shower. These beautiful trees were at the back of the building. Those are seed pods in the trees and on the ground, probably shaken off by Ian’s winds. I took a close up of the leaves, pods and seeds (see bottom right corner). Seek identified the tree when I was there but did not save the info so I have no idea what it is. We do not have them at home. The weather is definitely fall-like on this first day of October, cool, overcast with periods of rain. But I prefer fall chill to summer’s stifling temps. We came to the convention center at 11:00. Like yesterday, Hubby has us lined up to listen to music throughout the huge multi-level building for 12 hours with barely time to get from stage to stage. Thanks for the visit. Stay safe and enjoy your weekend. "September was a thirty-days long goodbye to summer, to the season that left everybody both happy and weary of the warm, humid weather and the exhausting but thrilling adventures." – Lea Malotwhen

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