By lizzie_birkett

Music Night!

Frank and Tonya were practicing songs last night as we are entertaining the elderly at the Methodist Church across the road this afternoon. I will join them. Tonya then sang her lovely Ukrainian song and Bella must have liked it because she sat as close as she could! 
I wrote my poems over the last two days but forgot to post them! 
So today there are three ;-)

Frank said there was thunder and lightning during the night and I missed it!
I did hear the rain though and it was really heavy on the velux window.
We have had heavy rain the last few nights bit then wake up to glorious sunshine. This is my perfect weather!
I shall be working in the garden today - well more pottering really - but anything to avoid hearing about politics!
I daresay I’ll find out at the end of the day.

No Politics Today!

I will not speak of politics today
I will not watch the news
I will not write about the candidates
or air my political views
I will go out into the garden
and admire the lovely flowers
this I find is a more useful way
to pass my precious hours.

Yesterday’s poem: 


Hey Christine, do you remember
when we worked in Henderson’s,
you in the household department
me on the jewellery counter?
We’d spend our weekends 
plotting, planning, dreaming 
of travelling the world together,
We’d play Simon and Garfunkel LPs
over and over ‘…all gone to look for America…’
and imagine ourselves in New York.
Well, my friend, you captured your dream
and did the travelling to far flung places
I didn’t get further than Germany
then I came back home.
I still have happy memories though
of our plotting, planning and dreaming.

Saturday’s Poem:


I’m not someone who uses long words
When a shorter one would do
I mean why have a confabulation
When I could have a chat with you.

I’ve finished early with Blip and poem today so out into the garden I go! 

Have a good day Blippers :-) X

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