By lizzie_birkett

Funny Little Fellas!

Might not be so funny if they kill my roses though!
I’ve got quite a variety of caterpillars on the roses but don’t know if they are harmful to the plants. Apparently some don’t do much damage…
I had a lovely lie in writing poetry this morning. I’m trying to do that in the mornings before I get bogged down with other stuff - it’s working so far.
My knees look a right bloomin’ mess after my fall yesterday. They look worse than they feel though - not a pretty sight!
I came downstairs to the smell of baking late this morning and Tonya was making little biscuity croissants with jam in the middle. I’m embarrassed to say I had a plate of them for my lunch!
So now I’ve done my Blip I’m going to play ukulele to practice a song I’m learning.

Thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts you lovely lot :-D X

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