By lizzie_birkett


I walked into Skipton this morning along the towpath for my Optician appointment. I tried an independent one called Benjamin’s.
Very impressed with the service and professionalism. I’m getting distance specs in a lovely see-through blue and green frame. I hope they make a difference to my falls!

The stove was delivered to the boat early this morning and Frank and boat neighbour Ted managed - with great difficulty - to lift it into the boat. It weighs a ton!
When I was in town Frank put a new floor in the boat bathroom using Buffalo Board. The floor had sagged as it was only plywood. Buffalo Board is thick and sturdy. It was a big job and he’s not feeling good just now due to his reducing the steroids for Polymyalgia Rheumatica. He struggles on though, poor fella and gets the jobs done.

Walking along the towpath to Skipton

Walking along the tow path -
it’s about two miles into town,
the clouds were thick and grey,
with rain threatening to pour down.

I don’t pay much heed to weather
though it was quite cold and blowy
there’s so much to see whilst walking,
shiny berries, red, purple, black and showy

Swans and ducks around the boats, 
are hoping for a morsel or two
I see familiar faces in back gardens
give a wave and shout ‘How are you?’

As I neared the Skipton basin
The clouds were scudding away
leaving patches of bright blue sky
and a pleasant, sunny Autumn day.

It  actually started bucketing it down after our tea tonight.

Goodnight ;-) X

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