By lizzie_birkett

Boy Racer

Frank arrived before lunch today. The girls were so excited to see him and we had a lovely day. I was having a ride round on the go cart again so Frank had to have a go too!
This afternoon we went in the hot tub with the girls and sang songs - I am the Music Man-piapiapiano,  There was an old Lady who swallowed a Fly and then we made some up. Lucy’s we’re very long!
There was a lot of laughing going on. Especially when I was speeding round on the go cart and kept stopping at the patio doors to wave to anyone in the living room. I couldn’t actually see in because of the sunlight so didn’t know they had visitors! Then later I went bombing down their drive not realising Sabrina was over the road chatting to her neighbours! 
They must think I’m mad! It’s the closest I’ll ever get to driving a car ;-D

Anyway folks, hope you’ve had a good Saturday.
Time for bed - goodnight ;-)X

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