September Evening

A fine calm day, mostly cloudy and overcast, with a brief sunny spell this evening.  Of course, the midgies have been out in force.

Up at 5am this morning, and headed for my early shift in the airport.  I was on the check-in desk first thing, then meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  A busy day of passengers.  Cutting the grass this evening was quick, eaten alive out in the garden.  Met up for walkies with friend Julie and Keba.  An early night tonight.  You can fairly hear the lambs bleating, I hate that noise. 

A lovely evening for a walk, and great to have a very brief spell of sunshine.  We walked along the banks, and the midgies couldn't keep up with us.  As we came back around, the sun was dipping back behind the clouds, just hope we see it again soon.  The evenings are fairly getting shorter, sun going down around about 8pm now.  A lovely peerie croft house on a September evening at Houss, Burra. 

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