BIL To The Rescue - Again and Again

Can you believe it is September already? Wow! Hubby got up early to pick up his weed eater from the shop. The carburetor was messed up. Our whole house water filtration system uses chlorine. For some reason, that chemical is foolishly expensive and not readily available in the US. Our sprinkler was using a ton of the chlorine so we turned off the filter every other day. That process was cumbersome at best and wasted too much water to suit me. Our BIL came over today and installed a simple on/off switch. What a blessing he is. He then went to our granddaughter’s to troubleshoot her plumbing problem. Her sewer pump is not functioning correctly but it should still be under warranty. Otherwise, he will fix it. Not sure what we’d do without him. I decided to wash our windows that had too many kitty kisses. Then I tackled the garden. My sister brought me six kale plants but there is no room to plant them yet. I worked out there a few hours but it was way too hot to stay outside longer. Hubby went kayaking for a bit. He rarely gets out in it and didn’t stay long because the river was too rough. He will pick Brooklyn up from school while I watch River so his mom can go to her doctor appointment. My DIL furnished dinner. I sure love my family. Thanks for dropping by and leaving so many stars and hearts with your comments lately. Stay safe. “God gives awesome brothers-in-law to people who don’t have real brothers. And God exactly did that with me too.” – Anonymous

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