Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


I love September!

The mellow warmth of the low sun, the glowing light. What’s not to love?

Today has had highs (thanks to the very, VERY special person who helped me with technology earlier).
And it’s had (kind of) lows, in that my temporary filling (while I await the necessary, shock horror, almost £1k crown) has chipped and I have low grade tooth pain again. Shall I go back and pay for another temporary repair? Or shall I sit it out?
I’m a wuss (as all of my loved ones would admit) so… Time (or my pain threshold) will tell!

However, we rejoice in all the positives. I watched the willow damsel fly dart about as I listened to an owl hooting this afternoon. If those aren’t positives I don’t know what are.

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