Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


… This is my favourite duck. Probably owing to it being the easiest to recognise with the wing deformity (‘Angel wing’, I think they call it?). Today it opted for a ballet pose. (Something I choose to do myself on dull days occasionally).

I’m boggled with technology today. Trying to print something that ‘poo’er sez no’.
Have decided to pay someone to do it.
I’ve wasted too much time (and frustration) already.

The good news is that I found something in the garden that Himself had lost (and considered unfindable). I was just saying (annoyingly) ‘now come on, let’s be positive, of COURSE it’s findable’. When I trod on it! (A grommet or something from the mower).
It saves him trawling t’interweb for another anyway.
What’s that about Positive thinking! :-)

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