'This splendid little book'

An illustration from the incomparable Book of Deer. Written in the 9th century, with slightly later additions , this was written by monks at the original (now lost) monastery of Deer. It is considered to be 'One of the principal antiquities of Scotland' and contains extracts from the Gospels, the Apostles' Creed and an account of the founding of the monastery by St Columba and St Drostan around AD 580. It is largely written in Latin but the 11th or 12th century marginalia together with the account of the monastery's foundation are written in the earliest surviving example of Scots Gaelic.

The Book of Deer normally resides in Cambridge Universtity but is currently on display in Aberdeen Art Gallery.

It ends with a Latin colophon which translates as' Let it be on the conscience of everyone who uses this splendid little book, that they say a blessing for the soul of the wretch who wrote it'.

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