This is my little weed flower in my "meadow" container on my front steps, the flower that saved the lives of the plants because I was just about to dig them up and toss them out.
UFOs. UFOs. UFOs!!!!
Remember how the government released the information that UFOs were real during lockdown? Because 2020 was like that? And we were all coping with so much that it barely registered?
Congress redefined UFOs AND IT DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THE NEWS. "As first reported by researcher Douglas Johnson, a draft bill approved unanimously by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence rebrands UFOs as “unidentified aerospace-undersea phenomena.” Expanding the definition to include objects in space and under the oceans significantly broadens the scope of a muscular new office tasked by Congress with investigating UFOs.
The revised definition of “UFO” also includes “transmedium” objects which, according to lawmakers, “transition between space and the atmosphere, or between the atmosphere and bodies of water.”....Most strikingly, Congress’s new definition of “UFO” excludes “man-made” objects."
Yet another way Putin screwed up: most of his soldiers are poor and are from poor, rural areas. All their lives they've been told Ukrainians are poor and culturally inferior. Now the soldiers see that the Ukrainians live better than they do. Russians couldn't believe a woman had two bathrooms in her house and kept insisting more people must live there. In Bucha the troops asked if they were in Kyiv because they couldn't believe the parks and cottages could exist outside a capital. They looted houses of money, electronics, alcohol, clothes and watches, but always left the robot vacuums, as if they couldn't understand what they were.
The US will announce a new assistance package for Ukraine of about $3 billion. It will coincide with Ukraine's Independence Day tomorrow.
Ammunition stored in Russia near the border with Ukraine caught fire today, the second such incident in a week. A local official said high temperatures were to blame.
Ukraine’s defense ministry tweeted “In a few months we will find out whether Russian ammunition can explode because of the cold. The five main causes of sudden explosions in Russia are: winter, spring, summer, autumn and smoking.”
Russians are turning off their televisions with the three main channels losing a quarter of their audience since the war began.
Despite fears that inflation would weaken resolve, political and popular backing for Ukraine in the U.S. and most of Europe remains strong.
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