Evening at Leagarth

A lovely calm day, but started to rain first thing when I went to hang out the washing.  It was warm, especially when the sun broke through, and a lovely sunset tonight.

Up early, eventually got the washing out after the rain, and the biggest note of the day, midgies!  Headed out walkies, and popped by Madeline's.  I nipped down to Laura's for a cuppa in the late morning.  Met friend Julie for walkies in Burra in the afternoon.  Packed up the caravan, and headed to the northern isles for the weekend.  

After two ferries, we finally arrived.  Set up the caravan, headed out for a walk, and then a late dinner with the sunset.  A lovely walk into the capital, Hubie (Houbie is a new spelling).  This is one of the most grand houses still lived in, Leagarth.  It was completed in 1901 by eminent physician Sir William Watson Cheyne, who grew up on the isle, successor to Lord Lister in development of antiseptic surgery. Looking over Hubie, Fetlar.

Extra photo from the caravan at sunset.  

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