Da Auld Manse

Well the forecast was completely wrong! A day of mist, some rain in the morning, kind of clearing this evening.  Fairly calm all day. 

Up early, and breakfast in the caravan.  No chance of any off the beaten track exploring today, but headed out for a run about in the car.  Stopped off at the shop and café for 11 o'clocks, and then to Tresta beach and the kirk.  I finally got out for a walk with Sammy along the roads in the afternoon, and again this evening.  Off out to the local bar tonight in the hall, hopefully meet some old friends. 

I'm not entirely sussed in the local knowledge of the island, but always glad to research and learn more about anywhere.  I haven't found out much about this old manse, apart it was built 1756, with these newer looking croft buildings on the right.  With the Papil Loch and old kirk next door, it's been a place of worship in the area for at least a millennia.  I'd love to get inside for a look, I bet it would be real cosy and warm.  This was the best view I could get, due to the walled garden and trees.  The Old Manse, Tresta, Fetlar. 

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