Lazy Sunday Afternoon

After a lie in and a leisurely breakfast, we managed to drag ourselves into town around noon, for our customary coffee at Cafe Nero. We had a little bit of shopping to get as well - somehow that ended up as three full bags!
The afternoon plan was to do the ironing whilst listening to “Sounds of the 70s” on the radio. But when this picture was taken, the show was almost halfway through, the ironing pile is untouched and I was just sitting in the chair with my feet up.
Eventually though, I did get it all ironed and put away. I even mowed the lawns afterwards in an unexpected burst of energy, but only after I’d had a twenty minute nap to recharge my batteries!
Still don’t feel like doing anything, but if I don’t head to the kitchen soon we’re not going to have any tea tonight.
No peace for the wicked.

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