lean on me...

...when you're -

-down (isn't there a song about this?)
-needing a lift
-wanting to share a smile
-not feeling up to par

that would be me today - the last one there - not feeling up to par - boo! i was so hoping to get out into the sunshine - experience what is finally springtime weather - go adventuring - but nooooo - i ended up not feeling especially well - it's one of those things that happens when dealing with chronic pain - at times - the not so great creeps in - and i'm left feeling kind of diminished - weak and subpar - when i looked at my tulips - i was surprised to see some of them headed towards a bit of droopiness already - and these 3 suspended like this, leaning on each other - was a perfect landscape portraying how i am feeling - so ideal, yet unexpected - it perked me up - as though the tulips knew they needed to do something to help - how cool is that?

the really good news on the weather front - is tomorrow should be holding on with sun and warmth - therefore optimism is coursing through my veins i'll be on the mend to take advantage of it - so then - how can it not be...


happy day.....

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