
...on lunch

or perhaps - it was the little waterdrop on the tip of his beak...

either way - he was very intent - i believe he remembered me - for he tolerated me well - allowing me to get ever so close - also putting up with me chattering at him every now and again... we probably spent close to 30 minutes together - me joyously clicking away - or simply spending time soaking up being with this glorious blue heron - who soon will become known as mine...

during the minutes we were together - i was aware of other people in the background - hovering - whispering - about him... at one point - i took my focus off him to glance about - making eye contact with one woman who shook her head in amazement at me saying, "i can't believe how close you are"... i responded "i guess i have a way"... and i do - i think - have a way with animals - some birds - in how they tolerate me - interact with me... believe i have a connection with them which goes deep - it's one of those things only nature understands - i don't - i'm grateful for it, though... it allows me to experience moments i never expected with god's creatures -

today i encouraged one man to get a little closer - to come nearer to me - he did and was breathless with excitement he was able to be so close to the great blue - he could barely talk - i was so thrilled for him - he would not have come closer on his own - would have remained at a distance thinking it not possible - i helped him to believe - it filled me with such pleasure to see the wonder on his face - knowing this was a simple moment he will relive many times - isn't this what life is about - sharing these kinds of moments - experiences with our fellow man - and helping them to have...


happy day.....

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