In Memoriam (Day 2645)

A bit of a grey start to the day and the wander with Sigyn. By the time I was heading out to the morning's job, it was thick drizzle. The job, to disconnect a log burning stove from the heating circuit went reasonably well, and I was home with time to do a couple of little chores before lunch.
Shortly after lunch, and as I was readying myself to walk Sigyn again I got the news that Evie the Wonderdog, Mum and Dad's dog had passed away. 
Born and raised in Orkney, Dad figured her into his calculations of how Orcadian he is. Her 14 years meant that she was in Orkney before I washed up here. In the days before Sigyn, my beautiful wife and Talisker arrived, on long walks when the black dog nipped at my heels, Evie trotted on ahead to show me the way home. She was a bit of an odd dog and, probably never forgave me for bringing Sigyn home. As Sigyn grew, they learned to tolerate each other, though Evie much preferred the company of Talisker. 
She appeared in a number of my blips and was the first dog to feature in my journal here. Perhaps my favourite would be this or maybe this. We had all noticed that she was declining, and she had started to look much older. Today she went to sleep and left us with sore hearts. Dad summed her up more eloquently in his blip.
Walking Sigyn after hearing the news gave me time to think and remember Evie, as did a trip to town later to get an MOT on HV's bike.

RIP Evie. 

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