Bay of Firth (Day 2646)

Off to Rendall this morning to change some bits on a shower. The customer has spoken to the manufacturer in an effort to solve an ongoing issue with the shower. The manufacturer surmised a new part was needed. I changed the part and found it hadn't sorted the problem. After a fair bit of head scratching and poking around in the loft and in the back of dark cupboards, I found the problem. It appears that a "low pressure" shower has been fitted, but the supply to it has been boosted with a pump, which makes it a high pressure supply. The issue has been on-going for years, and been fiddled with by a whole bunch of plumbers. I am the first to figure out the problem. The customer is considering their options.
Back home to send an email to the customer detailing my findings, then lunch and a wander out with Sigyn.
Home for a bit of paperwork, then along to visit Mum and Dad.
Sigyn and I are waiting for my beautiful wife to return from overseas adventures.

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