Changeable (Day 2644)

It was fairly damp this morning as I made my way to Birsay to change an immersion element in a hot water cylinder. As usual the drain off for the cylinder was in a stupid, inaccessible place which made it totally useless. I took the opportunity to do a bit of re-piping to make it easier to work on in future. From Birsay I headed along to Evie to get a little job out of the way.
Home for lunch, and a very wet walk with Sigyn. By the time I had settled Sigyn at home after the walk, and got myself changed and ready to head off again, it was blazing sunshine. I collected a couple of things in town, then headed to a little job in South Ron. While I was down there anyway, I took the opportunity to see R and check his kettle still works. Good to see him and have a blether.
I stopped on the way home to get a quick snap of the view, quite a change from the weather this morning.

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