Eye of Ram
Today's the day ....................... to go to the Show
The main reason for coming down to this part of Wales at this particular time of the year - was to go to the annual Trap Agricultural Show - Trap being the village where Will went to Primary School.
It hasn't happened for the past two years, because of Covid restrictions - so it was a particularly welcome sign of things getting back to normal that it was on this year. And we were delighted to be able to be there and to meet up again with old friends and acquaintances.
And, despite the rather inclement weather, there was an excellent turnout of competitors and spectators alike. The grand marquee was full of flowers, vegetables, jams, cakes, photographs, paintings, woodwork and other entries for the various classes. Unfortunately, my apricot jam failed to impress the judges and went unnoticed in the 'Jar of Jam' category.
I'll just have to try again next year ..............!
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