Hello lady

Please can I have another stroke!!! 

A super day!! A sewing session in Sturton and I’ve finished my coat. It will be blipped later. It was a bit noisy at one stage, there appeared to be a fire somewhere to the north and at least 3 fire engines and associated vehicles were heard and seen heading in that direction. Later info said that it was a standing crop fire.

Our afternoon walk was eventful, the Red Arrows flew over us on their way back from Birmingham and the opening of the Commonwealth Games. We were picking brambles at the time, my phone was in my pocket, so no picture  of the boys. 

The ‘cat in the hole’ from a couple of days ago was braver today and waiting for us on the grass. B took Amber to one side and made her sit, whilst the cat came over to me to be stroked and let me make a fuss of her.

This evening the opening ceremony of the Games is being shown on TV. We missed the beginning as dinner was late,  B was coaching athletics. Hope to catch up later and see what looks to be a fantastic show. 

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