A yellow belly!!

One of the 30 Lincoln Imps in the city at present, enjoying the sunshine and the open space.

We were into town as I had a hair appointment. B had a wander about whilst he waited for me.  We enjoyed a coffee and delicious cake, before shopping for kitchen mats and a new pan, essentials, and blood orange curd, liquorice and Kendal mint cake ……treats!!!! 

When we got back home I joined B and Amber for the afternoon walk. The skies were thunderous, but we managed to get round before it started to rain. 

Before getting my new watch I would have probably stayed at home and had a rest instead of walking, but as it looked as though I wouldn’t reached my target for today I walked instead.

It is a year ago today since I was admitted to hospital, still a little way to go to achieve recovery. 

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