National Arbor Day

Trees. TIMber. Lumber. It's everywhere around us. We build our houses with it. We sit on it. We eat on it. It is a stand for our computers, and our lamps. It guides us down the stairs. It houses the keys of a piano. It holds our dishes, and our pots and pans. is the door that allows us to venture outside. AND THAT'S JUST WHAT I CAN SEE FROM WHERE I AM SITTING!!!'s everywhere.

In my tribute to trees picture...kinda going clockwise from the left top corner...

1. People carve it. The scary woodland creature was carved by my neighbor. The bear I bought in Northern Minnesota.
2. We make paper and signs out of it. My sister Terrie stole the sign in Missouri. Strange to see your name on a sign.
3. The handle of garden tools. I try to avoid them at all costs.
4. We get our bills in it. BOO! HISS!
5. Some people even wear them on their feet. Makes me want to go to the Tulip Festival.
6. We frame our pictures with it. Mine are of Nubble Light in Maine, and of my 3 kids with Mt. Rushmore in the distance.
7. We used to scrub our clothes on it. Glad that went out of vogue.
8. We get crafty with it. I made the turkey, the Indian corn picture, and the wood birdhouse. My sister Lisa made the stone birdhouse, and Shelley (naturelover) painted the Tetons on the piece of driftwood. The goose I lifted from my 3 sisters garage sale.

I am very mindful of our environment, although I have never considered myself a "tree-hugger." When I leave this desk, and go for my walk....I just may stop and lay a big old embrace on the biggest tree I can find. And...I don't care who sees me.

Wish I could plant a tree here today. Still too cold.

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