
It is another gray day here. 44F ( 7C), with a slight rain. Not a great day to be outdoors. But (fingers crossed) the weekend and beyond looks promising. I walked for an hour indoors, and am now lounging.

Our only bit of color enticed me to my driveway. Daffodils.

I wish I could get it out of my head, but I can't. Every time I see a daffodil...I think of an episode of Mickey's Clubhouse (as in Mickey Mouse). Clara, the cow, is looking for some color to brighten up her party. Goofy is helping her. "How about these daffodillies Clara? They're real purty." "Oh yeah Goofy...very nice."

Every time I watch I have to ask..."Did they have to make Goofy SOOOO goofy?" Couldn't they have made him get goofy every once in a while? Just his voice gives me the shivers. And the laugh..."Yuk...yuk...yuk." I'd rather listen to fingernails on a blackboard.

Goofy rant over. Like I said...I wish I had never seen the episode. WHY? Because...when I walked out my back door...the inner Goofy voice took over...and I thought...."Well...garsh...I guess I'll go take me some pictures of the daffodillies."

SAD. (yuk...yuk...yuk.)

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