Winding down

I’m writing this with my feet in the cool water of the River Glenderamackin. It’s one of my favourite rivers, not only because of its name but also because it pursues an esoteric course from its source between Blencathra and Bannerdale Crags down to the Greta. Never in a straight line, but flowing all the way around Souter Fell, which I climbed on Saturday.

It is very calming to sit here and listen to the water burbling over the stones. Far too hot to contemplate a hilly walk today, so this is by far the better option.

I took Luke, Laura, Otter, Chris and Freddie to Penrith Station this morning where they all managed to catch trains, crammed into crowded and stuffy carriages but on their way back to home and work. The house seems so quiet now. I went to Morrisons to stock up on food and then back for lunch.

Sarah and I watched an hour of the very silly adaptation of “Persuasion”before she went to catch up on sleep. She is a little sore this morning, not surprisingly.

I will catch up with comments soon.

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