just when you thought it was safe to

cut back the creeper...

I have noticed a lot of bird chatter outside our bedroom window recently. We have the window open at nights to let the outside in (once we've turned off the light; we don't want moths bumping around the reading lamps). Today D discovered a nest right outside. I leaned out (not too far) to have a look and to take a photo. It's a goldfinch nest - they always line it with something very soft and I think that part of this one is white fluff from the aspen trees. I remember last year I found an exquisite nest lined with dandelion petals but this one is later in the year.

A warm day again - lunch under the tree and then I picked a bumper harvest of raspberries and cycled up to give some to Joanna. We sat in her garden for a while and caught up with the news.

Waiting for D to finish making the tea now :-)

Today's ride - to Dunscore and back 9.12 miles

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