Stepping Out

Rebecca has invited me over to hers for a couple of days , 
l think she wants to know l am ok in the predicted heat.
I agreed l would stay the weekend at least.
My own house has a very cool part and l was happy to stay home but on the other hand l always enjoy being with family.
Need to be home on Tuesday as l have an appointment with hairdresser .
Before l left home l watered the garden , that’s another reason l will soon come back because lots of the foliage is burning.
Before l left l did a shady walk down to the river, always drawn to water on hot days.
Still quiet down there but that will change as the day goes on .

Hope those in the U.K. with

who also have the red weather warning will do the sensible things to keep safe but we all know about mad dogs and Englishmen ( Can we say that  anymore? ) 

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