Country File

By marypot

It doesn't matter if it's fresh or canned

We took Grace to the hospital this morning for her dietician appointment. She's still gaining weight just fine despite her extreme fussiness and as we predicted she has shot up in height (though she's still just at the 25th centile, she used to be between the second and ninth). After we'd dropped her back at school, the rest of us went to the metro centre as I'd run out of face cream. I know, it seems like a bit of a faff going all that way for such a reason, but after two days of using an alternative my sensitive skin is already suffering badly so a trip to Lush was necessary. Whilst at the metro we dined in style at Big Luke's All You Can Eat buffet. Chav central it may be but I still love it - I mean the place has 'all you can fizzably drink' Irn Bru on tap. Resistance is futile. As you can see, Ophelia is in no need of a dietician appointment. She scoffed tons of food and has developed a taste for irn bru too. That's my girl.
115/365 completed!

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