Country File

By marypot

I wandered lonely as a cloud

Another one of those days where the photo is a last minute snap because I didn't take any pictures of the stuff we actually did. This afternoon I visited Grace's school for the 'Daffodil Tea', postponed from March because of the snow. It is an opportunity for parents and more especially grandparents to sit and have cakes and drinks with the children and raise some money through games and raffles etc - and selling daffodils! My Dad came along to the school for the second year running and I was able to go too this year since I'm not back to work for another week or two. It was lovely. Grace then went to her friend's house for tea. Since Arwen had a big nap after school, it gave me some time with Ophi. She decided to watch a Cinderella DVD and choose her own tea, which she ate all up. Dietician appointment for Grace tomorrow, who isn't as good an eater.
114/365 completed!

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