I know that it's a little bit frightening...

The house is such a tip tonight but at least the kids are happy.

Morning cuppa at a friend's house following school/preschool drop off, then baby and toddler group with Arwen.
Afternoon spent baking and icing salted caramel cakes with Ophelia, though ended up pressed for time and forgetting to do important step (i.e. missing out the part where you slice the top off each cake, add a scoop of caramel into them and put the top back on before icing). Not used to recipes going onto a third page... It got a bit messy then as I tried to fix them, though not as messy as Ophi did when licking out the mixing bowl.
After school it was the weekly trials and tribulations of the swimming pool visit for Grace's lesson, made extra tough this Friday by the addition of a massive hail/snow/thunderstorm as we walked to the sports centre. Still snow lying on the roads on the way home. It's May next week. Crackers.
116/365 completed!

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