Delft Vase

This is the pretty little flower arrangement Dana brought over yesterday. She said the vase was 'one of those funny little vases they have all over Amsterdam' but the roses and zinnias came from her own garden. She also brought a peony bulb...'don't plant until fall'... and a little jar of an Indonesian condiment that they got on their street food tour there. 

I listened to the hearing from the January 6th committee as I drove to physical therapy this morning...more shocking revelations about Trump's connections with violent white supremacist groups prior to the insurrection, and how he revised the speech that he gave to a 'peaceful rally' on the morning of the 6th urging them to 'march on the capitol and fight like hell'....

'Why isn't that man in jail?' said John as we listened to the wrap-up together. According to an op ed column I read this morning, the Attorney General is proceeding very slowly with his own investigation. If Trump is indicted, he will have to be tried. Speculation is that it could be very difficult to find a jury that would convict him, and a trial could drag on forever,  but if he were acquitted, it would be a disaster and play right into the hands of the right wing groups that are intent on destroying the government. Apparently, thanks to Trump and his allies, these groups are mobilizing, and working together to destroy the government by violent any means. You couldn't make it up....

After that cheerful bit of theatre (I don't say that in any way disparagingly) I retreated to my workroom and  my podcasts to see if any of  the final batch of fabrics received in the mail today could be integrated into what I have already done. Ordering fabrics by mail is kind of a crap shoot in many ways because the scale of the design and the exact colors are not always clear. And one never knows when they will arrive, since they come from different shops all over the country. In this case it was kind of like the wait for ages for the bus and then four arrive all at once.

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